Kitchen Products

Popeil Automatic Pasta & Sausage Maker

Electric pasta and sausage making machine. 12 pasta shaping dies included for spaghetti, linguine, egg noodles, vermicelli, angel hair, gnocchi, rigatoni, lasagna, fettuccine, small bagels and cookies. Ron Popeil
4 payments of $24.98 equals $99.92, plus $28.90 S&H.

Ronco Electric Food Dehydrator

5-tray food dehydrator plus FREE Dial-O-Matic Slicer and recipe book. Ron Popeil
2 payments of $19.99 equals $39.98, plus $14.50 S&H.

Showtime Rotisserie & BBQ

Includes steaming and heating tray, non-stick food basket, 6 kabob rods, flavor injector, elastic food ties, spit loading platform, BBQ gloves, instructional video and booklet, and $100 in coupons. NO PO BOXES PLEASE. Ron Popeil
4 payments of $39.95 equals $159.80, plus $29.90 S&H.

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