Super HGH
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a natural substance secreted in our bodies that regulates our vitality and youth. It is released from the pituitary gland at the base of the brain and is responsible for many of the processes of aging.
As we grow older we produce less and less of this energizing hormone.
Increased levels of HGH have been associated with a drastic reduction in wrinkles, body fat and hair loss, and an increase in energy, lean muscle mass, sexual performance, plus thicker, fuller and darker hair and improved immune and cognitive function.
Super HGH offer includes:
- 2 bottles of Super HGH All Natural Homeopathic Oral Spray
- BONUS: 1 additional bottle of Super HGH ($49.95 value)
- FREE GIFT: Dr. Teplinksky’s Reverse the Signs of Aging audiocassette ($20 Value)
Only $99.90
plus $4.95 shipping and handling.
Please note: This is an advertisement for SuperHGH. The Infomercial Index is not the creator or seller of this product and assumes no liability.